Who are the moderators?
Moderators are trusted users who have been chosen to help administrators in the site's development and maintenance because of their reliability and constancy. In particular, they are particularly helpful in the gallery's daily maintenance.
How do you spend money given by supporters?
NEA is not an association, and so it doesn't benefit from annual funding by its members. Most of our funds are the result of free offers, which are entirely devoted to the web server's maintenance.
What's the difference between Navi e Armatori and NEA?
There's no difference: NEA is the acronym of Navi e Armatori.
Why administrators/moderators' interventions are sometimes untimely?
As everyone, we all have personal engagements (study, work...) and we often cannot control every single user, especially if we consider how many posts and pics are posted every day on the site. That explains why some events which are in contrast with the site's rules are not immediately taken into account. So, we count on your good sense in reporting us any violation of the site's rules.
Is NEA's staff open to dialogue and suggestions?
Of course we are. But users must always keep in mind to observe good manners and mutual respect.
Are suggestions always accepted?
Suggestions are always taken into account; in fact, every single suggestion is discussed and evaluated by the staff.
Can administrators make mistakes?
Of course we can, we're human beings just like all users.
Why do unregistered users can't enter some site's areas?
Because one of NEA's main targets is to find a meeting place where people can share their passion for the maritime world.
Can users be banned?
Users can be banned for different reasons, even though the administrators always try avoid such an action which is generally the consequence of unlucky circumstances (circumstances which can harm other users, Companies or the site itself).
Why does my pics' descriptions are different from those I inserted?
One of NEA's targets is to provide always more details on ships. Our historical advisors help us achieving this goal by putting further details to many interesting photos posted in the site's gallery.
Why does the forum moderation continually call out those who use pseudo SMS languages (k, nn, sn, etc.)?
Because we are scholars of the true and original Italian language. We understand foreigners who may have difficulty expressing themselves but we do not tolerate this by our fellow countrymen