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Italian Maritime Academy (IMA) ed Italian Maritime Academy Technologies (IMAT)
Cultura Navale
Collegio Nazionale Capitani Lungo Corso e Macchina
Daniele Alletto
Air Naval
Torre d'aMare
Precedente Successiva
Portuguese light cruiser ADAMASTOR, 79,62m/ 1.765dt/ 18kn/ complement 206 men/ armament 2x150mm (6 in) Ansaldo guns/ 4x105mm (4 in) Krupp guns/ 8x47mm (2 in) Hotchkiss guns/ 3 machine guns/ 3 torpedo tubes; 1897 completed by Fratelli Orlando, Livorno, for Portuguese Royal Navy, using the revenue of a national public subscription made after the British ultimatum to Portugal in 1890. She played an important role in the republican revolution of 05/10/1910, being one of the rebelling cruisers in Tagus estuary. In 1917 the NRP ADAMASTOR was one of two cruisers sent to Quelimane, Portuguese East Africa. The presence of the cruisers was a decisive factor in preventing the Germans continued advance on Quelimane, a vital port, after the German victory at the Battle of Namakura. In 1934 she was decommissioned and sold to F. A. Ramos & Cia, Lisbon, who scrapped her.
P/C – collection F. Cabral, Oporto.

Username Registrato Rui Amaro
Armatore Portuguese Royal Navy
Ship manager
Numero IMO untraced
Classificazione Light cruiser
Cantiere e anno di costruzione 1897 completed by Fratelli Orlando, Livorno
Aggiunta il 20/03/2013
Dimensioni 800 x 518
visite 2088