

Precedente Successiva
Chucao, un vapor fabricado el 1905, en Hamburgo, Alemania. Actualmente esta reacondicionado para mayores comodidades, pero impulsado a la antigua (con sala de m?quinas y calderas ardiendo) con el vapor fluyendo aprisionado entre los cilindros. La estructura del Chucao, con sus 17,5 mts. de eslora y 1,50 mts de calado, rememora la navegaci?n que de verdad distingui? a este lago, quiz?s cuando m?s tr?nsito hubo por la v?a fluvial entre Villarrica y Puc?n.

Chucao, a steamer built in 1905, in Hamburg, Germany. It is currently refurbished for more amenities, but driven to the old way (with engine room and boilers burning) with steam flowing trapped between the cylinders. The structure of the Chucao, with its 17.5 mts. Of length and 1.50 meters of draft, recalls the navigation that really distinguished this lake, perhaps when there was more traffic through the river between Villarrica and Puc?n.

Se viene a la mente lo que debi? haber sido esos vapores como el Do?a Rosa, que cuando el siglo XX reci?n cumpl?a el tercio, y no hab?a acceso terrestre para Puc?n, hac?a su recorrido desde Villarrica, trayendo a los distinguidos turistas hasta el muelle de La Poza, justo enfrente del Hotel Gudenschwager, donde buena parte de la comitiva pernoctaba bajo su colonial y germana atenci?n.
What must have been those steamers such as Do?a Rosa, who when the XX century had just completed the third, and there was no land access to Pucon, made its way from Villarrica, bringing the distinguished tourists to the quay of La Poza, right in front of the Hotel Gudenschwager, where a good part of the party stayed under their colonial and German attention.

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