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Prinzess Irene
Prinzess Irene
Archivio P. Berti

06/10/2008 21:00
"Prinzess Irene" was a German ship, 10893 GRT, built in 1900 and owned by Norddeutscher Lloyd of Bremen. Seized by the USA at New York 06.04.17 she became the American naval transport "Pocahontas". 1922 resold to Norddeutscher Lloyd she was renamed "Bremen" and in 1928 "Karlsruhe", to free the name for the big passenger liner then in construction. "Karlsruhe" was scrapped in 1932.

Username Registrato bertipietroe
Ship manager
Numero IMO 0000000
Classificazione Passenger ship
Cantiere e anno di costruzione 1900 Stettiner Vulcan - Stettin-Bredow - DEU
Data Anni '10
Luogo Genova
Aggiunta il 02/10/2008
Dimensioni 3184 x 2096
visite 2450