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Collegio Nazionale Capitani Lungo Corso e Macchina
Daniele Alletto
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Enco ship to arrive to Chile traveled from Hamburg, through the Strait of Magellan, to the port of Corral, under the command of Captain Boudet.

At the present time the ship is stranded at the Choshuenco beach, Panguipulli lack, Chile.

Actualmente varado en la playa de Choshuenco y lleno de recuerdos descansa el Vapor Enco, nave tra?da de Alemania con la finalidad de conectar Panguipulli con el interior rural, ya que en aquel entonces no exist?a la actual ruta. La historia cuenta, que el Vapor durante muchos a?os fue el medio de transporte de los pasajeros m?s importantes del sector. La capacidad del nav?o era de 250 personas y se divid?a en primera, segunda y tercera clase.

Currently stranded on the beach of Choshuenco and full of memories rests the Vapor Enco, ship brought from Germany with the purpose of connecting Panguipulli with the rural interior, since at that time there did not exist the present route. The story goes, that the Vapor for many years was the means of transport of the most important passengers of the sector. The capacity of the ship was 250 people and divided into first, second and third class.

Desde el a?o 1950 el Enco zarpaba a las 07.30 hrs. Los lunes y jueves desde Chan Chan, pasando por Choshuenco, Quechumalal y Conquil, para llegar a Panguipulli como a las 11 de la ma?ana. Por otra parte, martes y s?bados el zarpe era desde Chan Chan, Choshuenco, Paillahuinte, Toledo y Pu?ir, sectores considerados puertos en la ?poca. Tanto para los habitantes de Panguipulli y sus alrededores, como para los turistas el Enco es considerado parte relevante de la memoria del sector.
From the year 1950 the Enco set sail at 07.30 hrs. On Mondays and Thursdays from Chan Chan, passing through Choshuenco, Quechumalal and Conquil, to arrive at Panguipulli as at 11 in the morning. On the other hand, Tuesdays and Saturdays the sail was from Chan Chan, Choshuenco, Paillahuinte, Toledo and Pu?ir, sectors considered ports at the time. Both for the inhabitants of Panguipulli and its surroundings, as well as for tourists, Enco is considered a relevant part of the sector's memory.

Navegando Historia Navigating the History

El Vapor fue construido en Bremen Alemania a eso del 1907. Prest? servicio en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, es decir entre 1914-1917. Posteriormente lleg? a Valdivia y fue dividido en tres partes para ser trasladado a Lago Ri?ihue en ferrocarril. Una vez all?, el Vapor era usado para trasladar ganado y madera. No obstante, en 1950 lleg? a Panguipulli para convertirse en el medio de transporte m?s emblem?tico de la zona.

The Steamer was built in Bremen Germany around 1907. It served in World War I, ie between 1914-1917. Later it arrived at Valdivia and was divided in three parts to be transferred to Lago Ri?ihue in railroad. Once there, the Steam was used to move livestock and wood. However, in 1950 he arrived in Panguipulli to become the most emblematic means of transport in the area.

En cuanto a los capitanes, estos fueron varios, entre ellos encontramos a Juan Maldonado, Amado Bechauf, Alejandro Morales, Arsenio M?ndez, entre otros. Este ?ltimo pas? a ser el due?o del nav?o en 1973. Eventualmente en 1978 cuando fue abierta la ruta que une Panguipulli y Neltume la demanda baj? tanto, que oblig? a poner en venta al Vapor.
As for the captains, these were several, among them we find Juan Maldonado, Amado Bechauf, Alejandro Morales, Arsenio M?ndez, among others. This last happened to be the owner of the ship in 1973. Eventually in 1978 when the route that unites Panguipulli and Neltume was opened the demand lowered so much, that forced to put on sale to the Steam.

En este sentido, a principios de los 80` el Enco fue adquirido por su actual propietario Jos? Hern?ndez Salazar, quien opt? por realizar trayectos menores hasta 1986. Esta fue la fecha en que el Vapor dej? para siempre las aguas del Lago Panguipulli.

In this sense, in the early 80's the Enco was acquired by its current owner Jos? Hern?ndez Salazar, who chose to make smaller trips until 1986. This was the date when the Steamer left forever the waters of Lake Panguipulli.

Para Manuel M?ndez, uno de los capitanes del Vapor Enco, el nav?o es un vestigio. De hecho coment? a los medios que ?para m?, este barco es una reliquia, porque dediqu? gran parte de mi vida a la navegaci?n y cada vez que recuerdo la historia del Enco me corren l?grimas, ya que el barco fue una escuela? expres?.

For Manuel M?ndez, one of the captains of the Vapor Enco, the ship is a vestige. In fact, he told the media that "for me, this ship is a relic, because I dedicated a lot of my life to navigation and every time I remember the history of the Enco I run tears, since the ship was a school," he said.

De igual forma el Capit?n Veneno, como le dec?an sus cercanos, sugiere que el Vapor deber?a tener una placa que recuerde a sus capitanes y pioneros, ya que muy poca gente conoce la historia de la renombrada nave.
Likewise, Captain Poison, as his neighbors said, suggests that the Steam should have a plaque that reminds its captains and pioneers, since very few people know the history of the renowned ship.

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IMO Number
Type of ship Passenger - Cargo vessel
Year of build and builder 1907 in Germany
Added on 03/06/2017
Dimension 1200 x 799
viewed 1285