
Almirante Barroso

Almirante Barroso
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ALMIRANTE BARROSO protected cruisers (1897)

Name No Builder Laid down Launched Comp Fate
Almirante Barroso Armstrong, Newcastle, UK 1895 25/8/1896 4/1897 stricken 1931
Amazonas Armstrong, Newcastle, UK 1895 4/12/1896 18/3/1898 // --- sold incomplete to USA (PG34 New Orleans)
Almirante Abreu Armstrong, Newcastle, UK 1897 14/1/1899 25/5/1900 // --- sold incomplete to USA (PG36 Albany)

Displacement normal, t 3437
Displacement full, t
Length, m 100.6 pp 108.0 oa
Breadth, m 13.3
Draught, m 5.15
No of shafts 2
Machinery VTE, 4 cylindrical boilers
Power, h. p. 7500
Max speed, kts 20.2
Fuel, t coal 2850
Endurance, nm(kts)
Armour, mm deck: 31 with 88mm slopes, CT: 102
Armament 6 x 1 - 152/50 Armstrong DD, 4 x 1 - 120/50 Armstrong AA, 10 x 1 - 57/40 Hotchkiss, 4 x 1 - 37/20 Hotchkiss, 3 - 450 TT (1 bow, 2 beam)
Complement 366
Ship project history: Built under the project similar to Chilean Ministro Senteno, but unlike her Almirante Barrozo had mixed-calibre armament consisted from 152mm and 120mm guns. Other two ships of the same class, Amazonas and Almirante Abreu, also built by Armstrong for Brazil, were sold to the USA even before completion (New Orleans and Albany).
Ship protection: Ship was protected by 31mm deck with 88mm slopes.
Modernizations: None.
Naval service: No significant events.

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Type de navire
Protected cruiser
Année/chantier de constr.
1896 Armstrong, Mitchell and Company
Brazilian Navy

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